Catalogo bibliografico AAT
- E -

Eclipse de sol en Bolivia
: el Inti Jiwaña del 3 de noviembre de 1994 / editor: dr. Francisco Zaratti. - La Paz : Universidad mayor de San Andrés. Planetario Max Schreier, 1994. - 148 p. : ill. ; 19 cm
Segnatura: n-Ast. 262

and the philosophical problems of the 20th-century physics. - Moskva : Progress, copyr. 1983. - 507 p. ; 21 cm
Tit. orig.: Ejnstejn i filosofskie problemy fiziki XX veka
Segnatura: n-Ast. 105

: la gioia del pensiero / Françoise Balibar. - Torino : Electa/Gallimard, copyr. 1994. - 176 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. - (Universale Electa/Gallimard; 49)
Tit. orig.: Einstein : la joie de la pensée
In appendice: Testimonianze e documenti
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 88-445-0057-4
Segnatura: n-Ast. 310

ESO Headquarters
in Garching bei München. - Berlin : Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften GmbH, 1981?. - P. <123>-138, <2> : ill. ; 30 cm
Testo in inglese e francese
Estr. da: Bauwelt, 1981, Heft 4
Segnatura: n-Ast. 201

Essai schématique de sélénologie
par le doct. Federico Sacco. - Torino : Clausen-Rinck, 1907. - 47 p., <4> c. di tav. ripieg. ; 25 cm
Segnatura: n-Ast. 23

Essays about the universe
Boris A. Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov ; translated from the Russian by Alexander Repyev. - Moskva : Mir, 1985. - 326, <1> p. : ill. ; 27 cm
Tit. orig.: Ocerki o vselennoj
Segnatura: n-Ast. 287

European workshop on White dwarfs
6., Monte Porzio Catone, 1986
6th European workshop on White dwarfs : an international meeting held in Monte Porzio (Rome, Italy) on 11-13 June, 1986 / edited by Francesca D'Antona. - <S.l. : s.n.>, 1987. - 158 p. : tab., diagr. ; 24 cm. - (Memorie della Società astronomica italiana; 58/1-1987)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 151 (A)

Evolution of complex and higher organisms (The)
: a report prepared by the participants of Workshops held at NASA Ames research center, Moffett Field, California, July 1981, January 1982, and May 1982 / with a foreword by Philip Morrison ; edited by David Milne ... <et al.> ; prepared at Ames research center. - Washington, D.C. : NASA. Scientific and technical information branch, 1985. - XIX, 193 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - (NASA SP; 478)
Bibliogr.: p. 177-193
Segnatura: n-Ast. 170

Evolution of the solar system
Hannes Alfvén, Gustaf Arrhenius. - Washington, D.C. : NASA. Scientific and technical information office, 1976. - XII, 599 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - (NASA SP; 345)
Segnatura: n-Ast. 87

Explanatory supplement
to the Astronomical ephemeris and the American ephemeris and nautical almanac / prepared jointly by the Nautical almanac offices of the United Kingdom of Great Kingdom and the United States of America. - London : Her majesty's stationery office, 1977. - XI, 533 p. : tab. ; 25 cm
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 0-11-880578-9
Segnatura: n-Ast. 140

Exploring the moon
through binoculars and small telescopes / Ernest H. Cherrington. - New York, N.Y. : Dover, 1984. - 229 p. : ill., fotogr. ; 28 cm. - (Dover books on astronomy)
Tit. dell'ed. precedente: Exploring the moon through binoculars
Ripr. aumentata ed aggiornata dell'ed.: <S.l.> : McGraw-Hill, 1969
ISBN/ISSN/Impr.: 0-486-24491-1
Segnatura: n-Ast. 160